GLYF and the Monster Munch MysteryFollow GLYF and Stick Up Kid as they search to discover the menace behind the candy that turned GLYF's brother into a monster!!!
This is a hand bound and stapled mini comic edition spanning 14 pages that loosely follows the continuity established in "GLYF and the Terror of Tusk". Black and white pages with a cream colored board stock cover. This comic comes with a free 8 page foldy comic "Rabid Rabbit" 4 Options Available!!! - 2 Comics (for the price of 1) - Monster Munch Gift Bag (artist edition) - Super Artist Edition (1 of 14 original comic pages) -Cover Edition (1 available with original cover art page) details below... Read the first 3 pages!
2 Comics
Monster Munch Gift Bag!
Super Artist Edition!!
Cover Edition!!!